Can you do Desk Yoga in 5 minutes?

Stress is a sneaky issue in today’s society. The fast pace of life, deadlines, responsibilities, and endless tasks can all have an effect on our mental and physical health. But, we aren’t always aware that we are suffering from stress. I ran on adrenaline and coffee for years before my body had a meltdown and I was forced to rest. Juggling everything became normal and I ignored any aches and pains I had. I took tablets for my sore back and got back to work.

Eventually, it all caught up with me and looking back, it’s now easy to identify that I was stressed out. But then, I thought I was ‘busy’. Busy being busy - do you know that feeling?

To combat stress these days, I try to include a little desk yoga in my daily routine. It’s easy for me because I’m a yoga teacher and have taught countless classes - I know what stretches to do when I’m working.

Ideally, we’d all have access to yoga classes through out our week, but you can still get the benefits of yoga by doing desk yoga for just 5 minutes a day. When you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed or just need a quick break from work, try these simple desk yoga poses that you can do in the comfort of your own office or home workspace.

Easy Desk Yoga for Work or Home

Seated Twist: Sit up straight in your chair and slowly twist your torso to the right, placing your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind your back. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and then switch sides. This pose is great for releasing tension in your back and for improving digestion.

Neck and Shoulder stretches: Sit or stand up straight, placing your left hand on your head and gently pulling your head to the left. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then repeat on the right side. Next, place both hands behind your head and gently push your chin towards your chest to stretch your neck. Finally, stretch your shoulders by rolling them forwards and backwards several times.

Wrist and Ankle Circles: Sitting in your chair, circle your wrists in both directions and then circle your ankles. This helps to release tension in the hands and feet, improving circulation and reducing stiffness.

Forward fold: Standing with your feet hip-width apart, hinge at the hips and slowly lower your torso towards your thighs. You can rest your hands on your knees or shins, or if you are feeling flexible, place your palms on the floor. Hold the pose for 30 seconds before rising back up slowly. This pose stretches the entire back of your body, including your hamstrings and lower back.

Chair Pose: This pose can be done while standing with your feet together or while sitting in your chair. Bend your knees and lower your torso as if you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Raise your arms above your head and hold the pose for 30 seconds. This pose helps to strengthen your legs and back muscles and improves posture.

Try to find the time to relax during your day

Desk yoga is a simple way to reduce stress and tension in your body. It’s great because it can be done anywhere, anytime and is especially beneficial for those who spend long hours sitting at a desk.

The poses mentioned above are easy to do and can be modified to suit your level of flexibility. So, the next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed, take a break and try desk yoga. You'll be surprised at how quickly it helps you relax and feel refreshed. Give it a try today!


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