A Morning Routine Might Improve Your Mood

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Everything begins when you begin, and you can begin again everyday.

I saw this lovely quote on Instagram that said something along these lines; You can start anew every single day, you have a big wide world to make your own.

What do you think? Do you believe that, or are you skeptical? Here’s the thing, it’s completely true. It really honestly is. Any limitations we have in our lives we have set ourselves, and at any given moment we can break free and give ourselves a break.

One way to begin anew is to start a health morning routine. Putting your best foot forward has many benefits, not least on your mental health.

A healthy morning routine could include and is by no means limited to:

Getting up earlier

Getting up earlier means you have a bit of ‘me time’ or in this case ‘you time’. By simply setting the alarm a few minutes earlier, maybe 10 or 20, or for the very keen, 30-60, you can give yourself time to breathe. Take a coffee in peace and quiet, journal, or just sit and stare into space until you feel a little bit more awake and ready.

Drink warm lemon water

This is believed to be beneficial first thing, as it helps to alkalise your stomach acid, and helps to flush your liver and kidneys through. It’s also a really good idea to drink a glass of water first thing regardless of the lemon as it refreshes your body after a night of sleep. Try it in place of your normal cuppa and see how alert you feel without the caffeine hit.


Getting into the habit of mediating in the morning is ideal if you find yourself jumping into stress mode as you layer on your work clothes. Sit with your hands either side of the bottom of your rib cage, and take deep breathes into the area around there and below. Start with 10 deep breaths and build up every day. Meditation has so many health benefits, see my other post for an in-depth reasoning as to why you should start meditating.

Make your bed

This is a non negotiable in my house. Leaving my bed tidy is a little sign of respect to my sleep area and the importance of sleep. It’s also the first little accomplishment of the day checked off. I might run late during the day, spill my coffee, put my foot in my mouth, but at least I made my bed!


Journalling is ideal if you are struggling with something in your life. You can use your journal to get your overnight thoughts out. You can also use it to write affirmations about the day ahead. If you are working on manifesting something, perhaps some re-affirmations about this. People have been writing diaries since they could write, and your story is just as important as any one who has come before, so don’t ever be shy to pick up a pen and write.

So, there you go, you can begin again, any time you choose. Managing one or two or even all of these should set you up for a good day! Let me know if you struggle with anything, or if there’s something that you do as part fo your daily morning routine.


Vegan Spanish Stew


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