Lazy Jerk Seasoned Sweet Potatoes

Halesworth Road in Lewisham holds wonderful memories of my childhood. It was a long street with a slight hill, and it curved to the left 8 houses from ours. We rarely played beyond the curve. We lived in a 6 bedroom council house, and shared the street with many other big families. We were a typical London street, many cultures, one shared community.

Although our family life wasn’t perfect, the street was the perfect escape and we really were a close knit community. We played from daylight to sundown, building camps, sharing stories, racing up and down, skipping, and everything else kids did.

I have the BEST memories of the Jamaican foods that filled my childhood, rare treats of sugar cane and huge slices of watermelon. My sister would make us Rice and Peas, my Mum made a mean Goat Curry. So I bring you these Jerk Seasoned sweet potatoes with some affection.

From the age of 13, I worked in the Model market for the Black family every Saturday. If you didn’t get your trousers fitted by Bob Black then you really didn't grow up in authentic Lewisham, Sorry, but no. Every Saturday I had a Jamaican Pattie in Cocobread for lunch or both and life was good!

These Jerk Seasoned Sweet Potatoes are my gift to you from my childhood. I haven’t made them “from scratch” although I will one day, I promise. These are made simply by chopping up a few sweet potatoes, however many you have to hand, dousing in olive oil, sprinkling with ready made Jerk Seasoning and roasting, turning once in the oven for 20 -30 minutes.

I love batch cooking these, and keeping them in the fridge. They make a GREAT addition to any salad, Buddha Bowl, soup or a fridge snack when you’re gazing endlessly from shelf to shelf. Enjoy them hot, enjoy them cold, but make sure you do enjoy them!


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