Chia Coconut Porridge with Blueberries & Pecans

Ahhh porridge and me, we go a long way back. I do love a good bowl of oats, and am not beyond making my own granola either. Oats are a great source of nutrition, and do keep the old girl firing on all cylinders. Getting your oats shouldn’t be tinged with innuendo, rather health!

Back when I worked as a Fitness Instructor in London, I set myself a ridiculous challenge of only eating porridge. I managed two weeks, convincing myself that ‘if it was good enough for horses’ it was good enough for me. Of course I became weak and tired as my body cried out for, in fact demanded, better nutrients. I didn’t lose weight, only muscle mass. I also didn’t do to well at racing, Hay ho, as they say, sorry I couldn’t resist the pun.

I did gain some strength in the determination I have to see things through and run with an idea when I like it though. So, every cloud, as they say.

I confess to not eating many carbs, which does me no good. So believe me when I tell you that carbs are good for you, as is protein, and making sure you get both every day is vital for your overall health.

Porridge became renewed to me when I discovered toppings! Oh boy. Edinburgh even boasts its own porridge cafe, where the temptation of toppings draws people for miles.

I’m not a fussy cook, as you have already discovered from my recipes, and so making delicious fussy toppings at home took me a while to muster the energy. Save it for the weekend, or a slow morning. The various textures are delicious, so add whatever you like, crunch, chew, melt - you fill your boots.

Chia Coconut Porridge with Blueberries and Pecans.

You will need:

1 cup porridge

2 cups coconut milk

2 tablespoon chia seeds

handful pecans / blueberries/ toasted seeds

How to make:

Add the oats and milk to a pan and bring to the boil then simmer gently as it thickens. When the oats have thickened, add the chia seed and stir well.

Add to a bowl and top with blueberries, pecans and toasted seeds. Enjoy!


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