Guacamole Sandwich

Someone had to do it, and that someone was me!

What is not to love? Avocados, chillies and toasted bread?

Yes to all of the above. Is it the new avocado toast? I doubt it, but is it easier to eat? Undoubtably!

I can’t deny lockdown got to me a little bit here, there’s only so much soup a girl can make, and this just seemed like a no brainer. Crunch, munch, enjoy!

Making your own guacamole is easy, if I can, then you can. Get some good ripe avocados, ignore the urban legend about removing the seed at the top, give them a slight squish, if they move, they’re ripe.

You will need:

2 - 3 avocados.

10 cherry tomatoes - chopped into quarters, fiddly, yes, worth it, also yes.

1 red onion - chopped as small as you can.

1 red chilli - again chopped, and i’d remove those seeds.

garlic - it’s ideal if you roast this, but not essential, - chop or grate.

How to make:

You more assemble guacamole than make it, it makes itself, you simply chop and mix everything together.

Toast some bread, I used seeded multigrain form Morrisons, it’s their own brand and delicious toasted.

Butter your toast, because we are not holding back, and dollop guacamole on to one of them, then sandwich the two together and voila! A guacamole sandwich.

Go on, have another.


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