Vegetarian Shakshuka

I have fond memories of Shakshuka, it’s always been made for me by nurturing women. The first time I had it my beautiful friend Juliet, who used to feed me regularly, made it for a girlie supper. It evokes a spicy heat, a heady eastern romance and a richness and warmth that kept me full long after i’d eaten it.

Then more recently, and the maker of the recipe in the photo, my beautiful friend, Suzie, made this on a visit to her new cafe in London. My sense memory brought the same comfort and happiness form my first taste, and on that basis, I think it’s a perfect recipe to include here. I know it’s not vegan, but if you get yourself some good eggs, and I do mean good eggs, it’s worth every mouthful. Eggs are a migraine trigger for me, so I do omit the eggs, but never one to spoil anyone’s fun, I include them here for you.

Shashshuka, is forever a comfort food for me, I hope you find the same comfort, the same feeling of being nurtured and fed, well, by people who love you. It’s the food equivalent of a Bloody Mary, and if you know, you know.

Although it’s traditionally a breakfast meal, go crazy and eat it whenever you fancy it’s sweet, spicy richness.

You will need:

2 eggs

1/2 tsp chilli powder ( or more of you like the heat)

1 tsp cumin / garlic powder

2 tsp smoked paprika

1 onion - chopped

1 can tomatoes

1 red pepper - diced

salt & pepper

fresh herbs, parsley or coriander, or both.

How to make:

Cook your onion until it's soft and clear, add the pepper and cook for a further 3-5 minutes, add your spices, mix well, add the chopped tomatoes, stir well.

Make a well in the pan and crack in the eggs. Pop the lid on and let the eggs steam for 5 minutes or longer, depending how you like your eggs.

Sprinkle with the fresh herbs, and enjoy with a chunk of sourdough, or olive bread.


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