Mushrooms with Oregano

Where would vegetarians and Vegans be without the mushroom? I shudder to think.

I have often been out in a restaurant and wished the chef had gone with the fail-safe mushroom option for the vegan option, rather than tried to get all fancy with a lettuce leaf and a bulb of fennel. Nothing against fennel, I love it, but if you’re out and your partner is tucking onto something hearty, you don’t want to be opposite them nibbling.

Mushrooms are a favourite of mine. Loaded with nutrients, including the sunshine vitamin D, they are a great source of vitamin b, and selenium.

Oregano too is a long celebrated herb, it is high with antioxidants and used widely to fight off viral infections.

Combine these two lovelies and you have yourself a merry little dinner, lunch or breakfast.

I like to bake my mushrooms, I am lazy, there’s no other reason. That said, if I really want crispy mushrooms, I will bring out the frying pan and let them crisp up in some good olive oil. Overall I am happy to let the cooker do the leg work, and enjoy the extra time I have.

You will need:

Variety of mushroom, white, chestnut and portobello.

1 tbs dried oregano

good glue of olive oil

1 tsp garlic powder

How to make:

Wash and chop your mushrooms into quarters or slices.

Pop them into a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil, mix so all are coated. Season with salt and pepper, and shake over the oregano.

Roast for 20-30 minutes

Assemble on top of some toasted bread or in between a fresh panini, sprinkle with fresh parsley and enjoy!


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